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Halifax League Awards Night

SBCI CC and its players were the recipients of several awards at last season's annual Halifax League Dinner.

The 1st XI finished the season strongly to claim the Lindley Moore Trophy, awarded to the team across all three divisions which acheives the most points in the final six games of the season.

Captain Simon Wood collected the award from Warwickshire CCC's Oliver Hannon-Dalby, a friend of the club, alongside two personal accolades.

Simon won the 1st XI Premier Division wicketkeeping award, alongside the Laurie Plumbe award, for most victims in a season across the divisions.

2nd XI skipper Brad Holt proudly collected the Clay Trophy, which his side were joint recipients of. The Clay Trophy is awarded to the 2nd XI which gains the most points in the final six games of the season across all three divisions, and was thouroughly deserved after Brad's team went on a fantastic run in the second half of the season to avoid relegation on the final day.

Halifax League Awards Night

Congratulations to all.